August 19th, 2022: Reading lots of books

Hello, so long time no see. I do actually have a good reason, but it's mostly because I've been reading a lot over the last month. I crossed the 50 books so far this year, in a really twist of things. In comparison to last year, my reading motivation has sky rocketed. I'm reading all… Continue reading August 19th, 2022: Reading lots of books

Reading Update: Books in Translation

It's funny how much my reading has changed since I moved to Korea. I think it's cause finding English books was so much harder, and I was really nervous for online shopping in my first year here, so I tended to avoid importing books online. Since then, I moved to Seoul where English books are… Continue reading Reading Update: Books in Translation

May 26th, 2022: It’s almost the end of May

This year is going by so fast, and there has been so many changes this year. Not much has changed with me since I last posted. I still feel a little bit listless and unsure about what I'm going to be doing in the future. I've been watching a lot of the Johnny Depp vs… Continue reading May 26th, 2022: It’s almost the end of May

April 19th, 2022: Book thoughts

I know this article is a few weeks old now, but I came across it whilst I was procastinating from my usual round of work, and I was just so thoroughly confused by it. It can be found here: The article talks about how there is becoming more and more censorship on books for… Continue reading April 19th, 2022: Book thoughts

April 15th, 2022

So, we have finally reached the end of the working week. In less than 4 hours, I will be free once again for two days. I actually have a lot of stuff planned for the next two days, so the weekend promises to be super busy. So, later on today, a friend from work and… Continue reading April 15th, 2022

Reading Update: April 1st

So, I actually read quite a bit for the month of March. For me at least. I managed to read 5 books and about 1700 pages according to storygraph. This was exciting to me because it felt easy to read that much. When I was trying to read in January, some days it felt like… Continue reading Reading Update: April 1st

Reading Update – February 10: Mergers and Acquisitions by Dana Vachon

After two missed reading updates, I have finally come back. After a slight reading slump post reading Game Of Thrones, I started reading again this week. This week I have been reading Mergers and Acquisitions by Dana Vachon. After having previously enjoyed reading his book with Jim Carrey, I decided to read other works by… Continue reading Reading Update – February 10: Mergers and Acquisitions by Dana Vachon

Reading Update January 20th: Game Of Thrones

Last week, I read Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon's Memoirs and Misinformation, and despite my initial thoughts on the confusion of the book, I did actually end up really enjoying it. The book was definitely strange, but it was also funny. So, that book worked out really well in the end. I actually got to… Continue reading Reading Update January 20th: Game Of Thrones

Reading Update: Memoirs and Misinformation by Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon

One of my new year's goals was to read more, and I've always loved reading and wanted to share my thoughts on books that I'm reading. I usually do this on instagram, but I've also been a little slack on updating that as a reading account and used it for more personal stuff. So, I'm… Continue reading Reading Update: Memoirs and Misinformation by Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon